NRM’s vital regional visits to support the peace process in Yemen

Delegations from the Yemeni National Reconciliation Movement (NRM) recently visited influential regional countries in Yemeni affairs, including KSA, Egypt, and UAE.

These visits, coordinated by NRM’s Foreign Relations Track, are part of NRM’s efforts to support the peace process, stop the war, and push the conflicting parties to sit at the negotiation table.

Because the NRM believes in the importance of a Yemeni-Yemeni solution, these visits aimed at communication, coordination, and discussion with several high-ranking, active Yemeni leaders present in these countries. The NRM hopes these individuals will contribute directly to reviving and progressing the peace talks and define the priorities and features of the coming transitional phase. The meetings included former presidents, prime ministers, politicians, military leaders, leaderships of Yemeni parties, and social and tribal figures. NRM’s delegations also met with a number of leading figures in these regional countries and briefed them on NRM’s efforts in the peacebuilding process in Yemen.

During these visits and discussions, everyone reached a clear conclusion – regardless of their orientations, political affiliations, and position in the Yemeni crisis – that the war in Yemen must stop first, for it has caused an unprecedented economic and humanitarian crisis affecting millions of people across Yemen. Moreover, the current state of no war and no peace has caused further social and political fragmentation and more economic collapse that may lead to armed conflicts between all Yemeni parties, including those in alliance. This would, in turn, negatively affect the stability and security in the region.

During the visits, the delegates confirmed NRM’s positive neutrality and its standing at the same distance from all parties, in line with its goals and national constants aimed at a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace that leads to rebuilding the Yemeni state on the bases of development, democracy, freedoms, social justice, and equal citizenship.

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